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Financial Assistance

To make an appointment at one of our Neighborhood Centers for services below click here.
Energy Assistance The cost of heating the home during the winter can be a burden for many households. That’s why Northern Kentucky CAC’s network of neighborhood centers provides a variety of programs to help families and individuals manage their heating bills. Staff can provide tips and ideas for lowering energy use and also take applications for Weatherization services.
The largest and best known of Northern Kentucky CAC’s energy assistance programs is the Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP).
LIHEAP Subsidy component runs November- March and again April through early June of each year, but depending on funding dates may differ each year, so watch our social media for details. The program provides a credit or payment to a household’s primary heating source. The program is available based on the household’s total income and no disconnection notice is needed.
Spring Subsidy Cooling Benefit Matrix
Non-Subsidized Housing |
Poverty Level |
Electric |
0-33% |
$200 |
34-65% |
$175 |
66-98% |
$150 |
99-130% |
$125 |
Subsidized Housing |
Poverty Level |
Electric |
0-33% |
$38 |
34-65% |
$50 |
66-98% |
$65 |
99-130% |
$74 |
LIHEAP Crisis component begins in January and has the same income eligibility as the Subsidy component with the additional requirement that the household must have a past due bill or disconnect notice from their metered utility company or they must self-certify that they are within four days of running out of their bulk fuel.
Although LIHEAP runs for only part of the year, many Neighborhood Centers can provide some emergency assistance if a household has an energy crisis.
LIHEAP CRISIS – the Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Crisis Program, known as LIHEAP Crisis assists eligible households with their winter energy costs. The Crisis component operates on a first come, first serve basis and will be in operation until March 15th or until funds have been expended each year. Walk-ins accepted for those families who are within 48 hours of disconnect or are already disconnected.
Households interested in applying for the program need to contact one of Northern Kentucky CAC’s Neighborhood Centers to schedule an appointment.
Eligibility for the LIHEAP Crisis benefit is determined by income, household size, fuel type, and the following criteria:
- The household must be at or below 150% of federal poverty guidelines and responsible for their home heating costs
- The household is within four (4) days of running out of fuel, if bulk fuel (coal, fuel oil, propane, kerosene, or wood) is the heat source
- The household has received a past due or disconnect notice if natural gas or electric is the heat source
- The household’s home heating costs are included as an undesignated portion of the rent, and the household has received an eviction notice for non-payment of rent from the landlord.
Please contact a Neighborhood Center (CLICK HERE) in your county to find out how to apply for LIHEAP as well as what other services your household may be eligible for.
This website is supported by Grant Numbers 93.569 (Community Services Block Grant) and 93.568 (Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program) from the Office of Community Services within the Administration for Children and Families, a division of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Neither the Administration for Children and Families nor any of its components operate, control, are responsible for, or necessarily endorse this website (including, without limitation, its content, technical infrastructure, and policies, and any services or tools provided). The opinions, findings, conclusions, and recommendations expressed are those of the Northern Kentucky Community Action Commission and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Administration for Children and Families or the Office of Community Services.
This project is funded, in part, under a contract with the Cabinet for Health and Family Services with funds from the Community Services Block Grant Act of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
The following is required when making an application:
- Proof of ALL Household income from the previous month (Social Security, SSI, Railroad Retirement, VA Pension can only be verified from Award/Benefit letter issued by Social Security Administration. Staff CAN NOT verify this income from bank statements or copy of benefit checks).
- Current heating bill, statement from your landlord if heating expenses are included in your rent, or statement from utility company if you participate in a Pre-pay Electric Program
- The account number and name on the account for main heating fuel sources and electric bill.
- Social Security cards for EVERYONE in home 2 year and older (or a tax document showing the social security number).
The program is open to all income eligible households, please see income chart below for eligibility guidelines.
Household size: |
Gross monthly
Income: |
1 | $ 1,883 |
2 | $ 2,555 |
3 | $ 3,228 |
4 | $ 3,900 |
5 | $ 4,573 |
6 | $ 5,245 |
7 | $ 5,918 |
8 | $ 6,590 |
For each additional household member above 8, add $557.00 to the monthly income limit. |
Home Energy Assistance (HEA)
• HEA is a program provided in partnership with Community Action Kentucky, Northern Kentucky Community Action Commission and Duke Energy.
• The program includes a Subsidy component and a Crisis component for households with incomes up to 200%of poverty.
• The Crisis program provides up to $400 for an active Duke Energy customer with a past due balance. The customer may also apply for enrollment into the Subsidy program.
• The Subsidy program offers active Duke Energy electric or gas & electric customers an affordable electric and gas bill payment by providing an $99.00 subsidy credit to their Duke Energy account for the peak heating and cooling months: January, February, March April, July, August and September.
• The Subsidy program offers natural gas only customers an affordable gas bill payment by providing an
$173.25 subsidy credit for the peak heating months: January, February, March and April.
• A customer enrolled in the Subsidy program must maintain an active Duke Energy account at the address of record at time of enrollment. If service is terminated at this address, enrollment will be canceled and customer may re-apply in the program the following program year, if eligible.
Please contact a Neighborhood Center in your county to find out how to apply for HEA as well as what other services your household may be eligible for.
Prescription Assistance
In collaboration with the Faith Community Pharmacy, we are able to assist qualified clients who have no prescription drug coverage obtain free medications. Individuals with Medicare Part D plans may also be eligible.
Representatives from Faith Community Pharmacy come to many of our neighborhood centers to screen for eligibility and provide donated prescriptions.
Call the Faith Community Pharmacy at (859) 426-7837 for more details, or call the neighborhood center near you to find when the pharmacists will be in your area.
Check out Faith Community Pharmacy for more information.
Online Resources:
Extra Help with Medicare Prescription Drug Costs
If you have Medicare and want to find out if you might be eligible for extra help with your prescription drug costs, this site can help you determine what you may be eligible for.