

Rent, Security, and Utility Deposit Assistance for qualified households!

Tenant Based Rental AssistanceTBRA program provides Rental Assistance and/or Deposit Assistance for Low Income Households who want to rent from a private landlord (that is not a relative) or a rental agency. Under the TBRA Program, participants are responsible for locating the rental unit they want to rent.

Participants choose the type of housing they wish to rent (i.e. house, duplex, apartment). The participant’s portion of the rent is a minimum of 30% of their adjusted monthly income. TBRA pays the remainder of the contract rent to the private property landlord.

Important Information about the TBRA Program:

In order to qualify participants must meet admission guidelines for TBRA

  • Participants must remain in rented unit for the initial one-year lease term (shorter lease terms are not permitted through TBRA)
  • There is no provision to port-out of our jurisdiction under TBRA
  • If the participant becomes eligible for Section 8 during their initial one-year lease term under TBRA, the participant may either continue to lease your unit or may relocate to a different unit.
  • Gross Rents shall not exceed the jurisdiction’s applicable rent standards and shall be reasonable, based on rent charged for comparable, unassisted rental units.
  • Assisted Unit must meet local housing codes and standards and Section 8 Housing Quality Standards (HQS).  At least one HQS inspection must be conducted each year.
  • Lead Based paint regulations apply to each unit.
  • Private landlords who are participating in the TBRA Program will have a written contract with NKCAC. This contract is necessary to provide TBRA payments to the landlord on behalf of an eligible family. The contract contains program requirements for participation.

Qualified individuals and families in Carroll, Gallatin, Grant, Owen, and Pendleton counties are eligible. 

Make an appointment by contacting your Local Neighborhood Center today.